Friday, 24 November 2017

Wwe Stock Options

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. Class A Sommario Common Stock Quote dati Descrizione della società (come depositato presso la SEC) WWE è un media e intrattenimento società integrata. Siamo stati coinvolti nel mondo dello spettacolo sportivo per più di 35 anni, e hanno sviluppato WWE in uno dei marchi di intrattenimento globale più popolare oggi. Sviluppiamo contenuti unici e creativi incentrato il nostro talento e presentarla attraverso la nostra rete di sottoscrizione (WWE Network), la televisione, online e presso i nostri eventi live. Al centro del nostro successo sono le capacità atletiche e di intrattenimento e il fascino dei nostri Superstars, e le nostre storie costantemente innovative e multi-sfaccettato. I nostri WWE rete, eventi live e televisivi, media digitali, home entertainment, prodotti di consumo e lungometraggi offrono significative opportunità di cross-promozione e di marketing che rafforzano i nostri marchi, mentre efficacemente raggiungere i nostri fan. Di Più. Grado di rischio dove viene WWE in forma nel grafico del rischio Consensus Raccomandazione Altre Informazioni analisti Info ricerca Brokers prima è il commercio desidera commercio FX Modifica Preferiti inserire fino a 25 simboli separati da virgole o spazi nella casella di testo sottostante. Questi simboli saranno disponibili durante la sessione per l'uso su pagine applicabili. Personalizza la tua esperienza di sfondo selezione colore NASDAQ Selezionare il colore della vostra scelta di fondo: Quote Cerca Seleziona una pagina di destinazione predefinita per la ricerca preventivo: Real-Time After Hours Pre-Market News Flash Citazione Sommario Citazione Interactive Grafici predefiniti Impostazione Si prega di notare che una volta che si fanno la selezione, che si applicherà a tutte le visite future a NASDAQ. Se, in qualsiasi momento, si è interessato a ritornare alle nostre impostazioni predefinite, selezionare Impostazioni predefinite sopra. Se avete domande o incontrano problemi nel cambiare le impostazioni predefinite, inviare un'e-mail isfeedbacknasdaq. Si prega di confermare la selezione: Hai scelto di modificare l'impostazione predefinita per il preventivo Cerca. Questo sarà ora la tua pagina di destinazione predefinita a meno che non si cambia di nuovo la configurazione, o si eliminano i cookie. Sei sicuro di voler modificare le impostazioni Abbiamo un favore da chiederti Si prega di disattivare il blocco annuncio (o aggiornare le impostazioni per garantire che JavaScript ei cookie sono abilitati), in modo da poter continuare a fornire la notizia mercato di prim'ordine ei dati youve si aspettano da us. World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. Cl a WWE (US NYSE) rapporto PE (TTM) il prezzo che guadagni (PE) il rapporto, una misura di valutazione chiave, è calcolato dividendo i titoli più recente prezzo di chiusura dalla somma degli utili diluiti per azione da operazioni continue per il periodo di 12 mesi di uscita. Utile per azione (TTM) A companys risultato netto del periodo di dodici mesi di uscita espressa in un importo in dollari per azioni interamente diluite in circolazione. Capitalizzazione di mercato riflette il valore totale di mercato di una società. Capitalizzazione di mercato è calcolato moltiplicando il numero di azioni in circolazione per il prezzo delle scorte. Per le aziende con più classi di azioni comuni, la capitalizzazione di mercato include entrambe le classi. Azioni in circolazione Numero di azioni che sono attualmente detenuto da investitori, comprese le azioni riservate di proprietà dei funzionari e addetti ai lavori Companys, nonché quelle detenute dal pubblico. Pubblico Float Il numero di azioni nelle mani di investitori pubblici e disponibili per il commercio. Per calcolare, iniziare con azioni in circolazione e sottrarre il numero di azioni ristrette. azioni vincolate è in genere che ha emesso gli addetti ai lavori aziendali con limiti su quando può essere scambiato. Dividend Yield A Companys dividendo espressa in percentuale del suo attuale prezzo delle azioni. Chiave Rapporto dati Stock PE (TTM) Stati Uniti quotazioni di borsa in tempo reale riflettere compravendite riportati solo attraverso Nasdaq. Quotazioni internazionali sono ritardate secondo i requisiti di scambio. Gli indici possono essere in tempo reale o differito riferimento alla data e ora sulle pagine di indice di citazione per informazioni sui tempi di ritardo. Quota dati, ad eccezione delle scorte statunitensi, forniti da SIX Financial Information. I dati sono forniti come è solo a scopo informativo e non è destinato a scopi di negoziazione. SIX Financial Information (a) non offre alcuna garanzia esplicita o implicita di alcun tipo per quanto riguarda i dati, compresi, senza limitazione, qualsiasi garanzia di commerciabilità o idoneità per uno scopo particolare o utilizzare e (b) non è responsabile per eventuali errori, incompletezza, interruzione o ritardo, l'azione intrapresa da terzi sui dati, o per eventuali danni che ne derivano. I dati possono essere intenzionalmente ritardato secondo prescrizioni del fornitore. Tutte le informazioni di fondi e ETF reciproca contenute in questo display è stata fornita da Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, fatto salvo quanto segue: Copyright Thomson Reuters. Tutti i diritti riservati. Qualsiasi copia, ripubblicazione o ridistribuzione del contenuto di Lipper, anche attraverso il caching, framing o mezzi simili, è espressamente vietata senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Lipper. Lipper non sarà responsabile per eventuali errori o ritardi nel contenuto, o per eventuali decisioni assunte in base ad essi. citazioni di Bond sono aggiornati in tempo reale. Fonte: Tullett Prebon. I tassi di cambio sono aggiornati in tempo reale. Fonte: Tullet Prebon. dati aziendali e analisti le stime fondamentali forniti da FactSet. Copyright FactSet Research Systems Inc. Tutti i diritti reserved. Wrestling WWE poi. Adesso. Per sempre. WWE, abbreviazione di World Wrestling intrattenimento, si noti attualmente in commercio solo come WWE, ma World Wrestling Entertainment rimane il nome legale della società è un colosso globale specializzata in intrattenimento wrestling. E 'stato precedentemente noto come il Wrestling Capital Corporation, World Wide Wrestling Federation e World Wrestling Federation. Nel 2000, una disputa sul marchio con il no-profit World Wide Fund for Nature nota perso con la Panda 8212 Jim Cornette richiesto alla società di depositarsi sul acronimo corrente. L'azienda è stata fondata nel 19.521.953 di Roderick Jess McMahon (1882-1954) e Raymond Toots Mondt (1894-1976) per promuovere incontri di lotta nella zona di New York City. Vincent J. McMahon (1914-1984) ha assunto nel 1954, in seguito alla morte del padre. Vincent ampliato alla società di coprire l'intero nordest degli Stati Uniti da Washington a Pittsburgh nel Maine. Gestito da Vincent K. McMahon (1945-), l'allora WWF ha rivoluzionato 8212 e monopolizzato 8212 il mondo del wrestling professionista nel 1980. utilizzando una serie di eventi a circuito chiuso di trasmissione, personaggi pittoreschi e intelligente promozione incrociata con MTV per trasformare wrestling da un'industria regionalizzata con una serie di piccoli giocatori in una confederazione nel proprio Private Idaho, e trasformandosi in un multi miliardi di dollari conglomerato di intrattenimento globale. WWE ha attualmente cinque diversi programmi televisivi che producono settimanale: Raw e SmackDown. che dal 2016 agisce come due marchi separati una volta contro in quanto la prima scissione del marchio tra il 2002 e circa 20112012, e sono considerati gli mostra una, anche se potrebbero SmackDown in questi giorni essere considerati uno spettacolo B. Evento principale . 205 Live e NXT sono spettacoli di livello C, con NXT come lo spettacolo per il loro talento di sviluppo. Un fenomeno recente è stato NXT in aumento per la A-livello di qualità e di produzione agli occhi di molti fan. ma, beh, vedere la pagina NXT Per ulteriori informazioni su questo. Tre riviste di WWE (WWE Magazine. WWE bambini. E presenta WWE) sono stati anche pubblicati. WWE produce anche veicoli stella per i suoi talenti, per lo più commedie e tariffa straight-to-DVD. Per ogni re scorpione (Rock) e Marine (Cena), per esempio, si ottiene Leprechaun Origins (Hornswoggle) e The Chaperone (Triple H). La serie Marine sta mostrando vita sana in Blu-ray, però, con Cena di essere sostituito da Ted DiBiase e The Miz. riempire la nicchia B-action lasciato da Van Damme e Seagal. WWE ha lanciato il proprio abbonamento 247 web-stream e on-demand di servizio, la rete WWE, il 24 febbraio 2014, che trasporta e B-show, così come NXT WWEs vista pay-per-, una serie di programmi documentaryreality originali, e le selezioni da volte a nastro WWEWCWECWWorld classe. WWE attualmente riconosce tredici campionati in cinque marche Tropi associati con la WWE: Interrotto Arc. Accade non di rado, a causa di molte storie solo in fase di sviluppo come vanno avanti, piuttosto che pre-programmate nella loro interezza, più che si giocano in un ambiente vivo volatili in cui i partecipanti possono ottenere feriti metà arco o altrimenti cadere in disgrazia. Terreni possono essere lasciati bruscamente a causa di una prima risposta negativa dal più alto-up (come Vince McMahon), un cambio di scrittori, o le reazioni del pubblico inaspettate che inviano i lottatori coinvolti su un percorso diverso o anche attraverso il HeelFace Porta girevole. Acrofatic. Ci sono stati numerosi lottatori che, nonostante la loro massa, sono stati in grado di tirare fuori alcuni impressionanti mosse più adatti al lottatori più leggeri: Dusty Rhodes era in grado di decollare per dropkicks, Vader è stato in grado di utilizzare il paletto in maniera abbastanza efficace. E poi cè il Big Show che, quando hes sulla parte superiore del suo gioco, ha un talento per tirare fuori talenti che una libbra uomo 500 non ha attività di tentare. Azione di una ragazza. Circa la metà delle Divas qualificarsi. Per l'altra metà, la speranza non vengono spinti come lottatori. Affabilmente Male. Mick Foley. soprattutto nei suoi primi anni come un lottatore psicotica con più personaggi. Tutti di fronte americano: Hulk Hogan. Sgt. Macellazione prima e dopo la sua contesa con Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker quando ebbe il suo espediente motociclista, John Cena. all'estremo. Sovvertito con Kurt Angle. JBL. e Jack Swagger. Torrie Wilson vestito come lo Zio Sam (cappello a cilindro, mantello a strisce, e farfallino) promuovere 2004 Great American Bash (anche se questo era fanservice chiaramente più di qualsiasi altra cosa). John Bradshaw Layfield provato la stessa cosa l'anno successivo - ma non è andato oltre pure. Mentre è stato normalmente sovvertita da Kurt Angle, si è giocato molto semplice ogni volta che ha fatto un turno HeelFace. Sgt. Macellazione anche abbaiò il pegno di fedeltà a una folla ruggente. invocato allitterativo Nome. Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Mike The Miz Mizanin, Kofi Kingston. Michelle McCool. Hulk Hogan. Duke Il Dumpster Droese, il grande Bossman. Carlito Carribean Cool Razor Ramon. Jeff Jarrett. Ambigua Gay Not That Theres Nulla di sbagliato in questo. Billy amp Chuck, fino a ottobre 2002, quando Chuck ha proposto di Billy e si è rivelato una settimana più tardi per essere solo una trovata pubblicitaria, dando Billy un CMOF quando il rivelare came. Billy: Im non gay, e anche se ero, io non sposerò Mandrino. E questo è terribile. Se i talloni e gli annunciatori non ha ancora ti dicono che i talloni sono stati, la maggior parte delle persone wouldnt sanno che a fischiare. L'Artefatto: Diverse stazioni di finitura e città di origine non si adattano più con i loro espedienti. Più notevole è Triple H. che ha iniziato nella WWE come Blueblood classe superiore, ma dal momento che non è più il suo trucco, la sua finisher (pedigree), sua città natale (Greenwich, Connecticut), e anche il suo nome ring (Triple H si riferisce alle iniziali del suo nome WWE anello originale, Hunter Hearst Helmsley) dont in forma. Anche se in realtà non vive a Greenwich (ma contrariamente al suo espediente originale, wasnt nato lì, in realtà proveniente da Nashua, NH). Ancora più eclatante è The Undertaker. che, in quella che è attualmente ritratto come un at-almeno-semi-realistica campionato sport di combattimento, è la Morte in persona. Che ci crediate o no, Stone Cold Steve Austin era una volta un tipo di Gorgeous George con i capelli biondi. Il nome della sua mossa di finitura - la Stunner - è un riferimento indiretto a questo. Ghanese wrestler Kofi Kingston è stato inizialmente classificato come giamaicano, ei suoi personaggi cognome è la capitale della Giamaica. La sua ora riconosciuto che hes del Ghana, ma il nome è rimasto come il personaggio rimane un appassionato di cultura giamaicana. Nel suo caso è utile che ci sono ghanesi reali con il nome di Kingston. Prima ha cambiato il suo nome al Attitude Adjustment leggere e morbide, John Cena s mossa finale, la FU, era questo quando Brock Lesnar era fuori dal roster, perché è stato chiamato per la sua somiglianza con Lesnars mossa finale, la F5 (entrambi partono da le firemans portano posizione). La sua mossa di presentazione è anche la STF, in origine la STFU. Ass Kicks Te. Ogni lottatore che userebbe un mozzicone-drop come una mossa, tra cui Yokozuna. Terremoto. Doink the Clown. e Rikishi. Goldust avrebbe usato un attacco che salta di testa (un testa a testa testa a testa, il nome è più associato con 1980 grande Iceman re Parsons.) Ass Shove: JR scenette colonscopia. The Rock sta andando a prendere (un oggetto, di solito lo stivale ma altre volte fischi, una macchina fotografica, il fumo di cinghia del cranio di campionato, Curtis Hughes, et al), brillare fino bello e piuttosto, trasformare questo figlio di puttana lateralmente e bastone verso l'alto il culo caramelle Rikishi avrebbe usato questo per attaccare i suoi avversari dopo di loro abbattendo nei tenditori anello, spingendo il culo in faccia con una mossa soprannominata la puzza faccia. Stone Cold Steve Austin ha fatto questo a Vince McMahon con un catetere quando era in ospedale. Il Assimilator. Fin dalla sua istituzione, la più grande WWEs disegna tagliato i loro denti da qualche altra parte. Verne Gagne con la sua AWA era il mago dietro la maggior parte degli anni '80 Superstars. L'Era Attitude è stata dominata da ragazzi ex WCW che Eric Bischoff sparato perché pensava hanno potuto pareggio. Gli anni 2000 allontanati dalla WWEs base meridionale di incorporare alcuni nomi East Coast. In seguito, la società soprattutto in camicia lottatori ROH. Attack of the Ad politico. Nel 2004, Mick Foley pensava che i grandi schermi giganti visto a convegni politici somigliavano la Titantron, e dal momento che la politica era, ai suoi occhi, l'imitazione di WWE, ha pensato forse WWE potrebbe imitare la politica. Ciò ha provocato un passo a Vince McMahon per un angolo in cui Randy Orton avrebbe fatto annunci attacco politico contro Mick Foley. Mick Foley afferma di essere una leggenda hardcore, ma è davvero McMahon a ridere e ha approvato l'idea di trama nei primi mesi del 2004. Autore ricorso: McMahon è un 62 (1,88 m) si ex culturista, e la sua non Vince segreto sembra pensare di altezza , uomini molto muscolosi fanno il lottatore ideale. Così la sua non è una sorpresa quei tipi sono spesso il campione. Basta chiedere Hulk Hogan. Ultimo guerriero. Batista. Brock Lesnar. e Triple H. per citarne alcuni. Quando sei wrestling davanti 17-60,0000 fan all'interno di un imponente cupola, la dimensione del lottatore non importa. E l'imbottitura extra è utile quando si scattano urti. Filosofo Kevin Nash scritto è nel suo stile inimitabile: Hai messo due ragazzi cazzo notare Chris Benoit e Eddie Guerrero a Wrestlemania XX. (Che erano grandi lavoratori) che erano alla stessa altezza come gli arbitri cazzo, e. Mi dispiace, amico. Stai andando a guardare un film porno con un ragazzo con un tre pollici dick Superstar Billy Graham ha ottenuto le ruote girano sul concetto di un, carismatico, tipo larger-than-life ex bodybuilder. Hulk Hogan seguito questo schema di base, ma nell'essere la megastar che era, si mise lo stampo ed è stato il vero prototipo di un sistema brevettato Vinnie Mac Babyface Superman: Pippo, vince spesso, Merch color arcobaleno, becchi slogan. Vince la cura doesnt molto per i punti alti (flippy merda) o arti marziali, eliminando così il main draw di divisioni Cruiserweight. Quando appaiono a Raw. Si tratta di solito ha detto pesi leggeri facendo macchie Heavyweight (suplex e detiene). Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho. e Rey Mysterio Jr. sono tutti superstar che hanno capito come incorporare questi punti in un match dei pesi massimi-stile. John Morrison sembra aver capito come ingannare il sistema, anche. Evan Bourne è terribile a questo. La maggior parte cospicua di tutti è stato X-Pac schiena mentre veniva spinto una serie di lesioni al collo lo ha costretto a lottare come un grande uomo, nonostante la sua piccola statura. NXT ha un po 'più margine quando si tratta di questo stile. Questo è probabilmente uno dei pochi che può essere giustificata Hayabusa, una volta perso un moonsault trampolino di lancio e passeggiata non ha ancora per un decennio. Vinces forte avversione di alte mosse volanti rende molto più senso quando si fattore di responsabilità e di insegnamento bambini aziendali (molti dei quali minorenni) per provare queste mosse letali nel loro cortile. E poi, c'è sempre Benoit. Detto questo, sia Vinces linea dura contro i pesi di varie tonalità è rammollimento o qualcuno è stato in grado di convincerlo del loro valore di nicchia - nel 2016, dopo quello che sembrava anni di voci, la divisione è stato rianimato prima con un torneo. poi con la WWE la firma di un grande pezzo del campo di contratti per una divisione per essere presenti a RAW con un proprio campionato, e poi con la divisione di ottenere un proprio un'ora blocco tempo WWE Network. Vale anche per le persone sotto Vince. Triple H ha spesso la stessa mentalità come Vince, ma anche ha chiesto Ring of Honor - Tipi, John Laurinaitis assunto modelli di bikini (come Kelly Kelly) e persone con interesse per il wrestling giapponese (MVP), Jim Ross ha portato a modelli di idoneità (si pensi Trish Stratus) e insieme a Jerry Brisco piace portare in atleti del college (Brock Lesnar. mondi più grandi Tag team). Autore Avatar. La famiglia McMahon (e in una certa misura, Triple H. che sposò nella famiglia) Awesome Momento di Incoronazione. Il vincitore del King of the Ring. Harley Race originato la trovata di indossare un mantello di ermellino e la corona, a volte accompagnata da una regina che viene prelevato dai suoi valletti 8212 nel caso in cui le Harley, il magnifico Moolah. Sherri è andato tutto Lady Macbeth e attaccato macho Re Randy Savage quando ha perso una partita di pensionamento. Sharmell avrebbe rivendicare lo scettro, mentre sposata con il vincitore Booker T. Bad Boss: Vince McMahon. In realtà la sua l'intera premessa per il suo personaggio sullo schermo. Prima di Vince, non ci sono stati padroni del tallone. Eric Bischoff merita credito per trasformare sbandamento dopo una corsa come WCWs commentatore milquetoast anche se la sua posizione come produttore esecutivo della WCW era dentro la conoscenza, il suo tallone sua volta ha reso ufficiale, e ha assunto WCW con l'aiuto della sua scuderia, il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale . Questo è ciò che ha ispirato commentatore Vince a fare lo stesso. Eric, come RAW direttore generale, meglio si adattano questo tropo 8212 come ha fatto Paul Heyman sia come direttore generale e presidente SmackDown ECW. Longtime SmackDown direttore generale Theodore Long, tuttavia, è una inversione: Egli non tollera la mancanza di rispetto o scappatoia abusi per i piedi. Badass Barba: Triple H. Shawn Michaels (della varietà Perma-incolta), The Undertaker. Randy Savage. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Daniel Bryan e Hillbilly Jim Edge. Su uno dei suoi tanti ritorna da un infortunio haitus legati, è stato uno sportivo full-on la barba da boscaiolo. Beard del Male. Giocato dritto con i primi 00s Triple H, Justin Gabriel durante i suoi giorni di Nexus e Corre, Daniel Bryan, La famiglia Wyatt. Badass Biker. I discepoli di Apocalisse, la trovata male funebri americana BadassBig, il proiettile Club Badass famiglia. I Guerreros, i McMahons, i samoani, i HartsNeidharts, The Wyatt famiglia Badass nonno. Ric Flair. Undertaker, Batista (che divenne un nonno vita reale prima di girare 40), di tanto in tanto Mr. McMahon. Badass Longcoat. Undertaker, Riva Badass vantare. Se non vantarsi di qualcosa, c'è qualcosa wrong. Triple H. Ora o mi combattere, o sedersi intorno e sanguinare notare Questo è stato detto di Brock Lesnar una settimana dopo il loro alterco a Raw, dopo Triple H diviso Brocks testa aperta, e Triple H sfidando lui a combattere a WrestleMania. Calvo of Awesome. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Goldberg. Joseph Ruud. Bad Mood come una scusa. Utilizzato in eccesso da personaggi tacco. caratteri viso arent immune a questo neanche. In generale, il suo pericoloso per il vostro benessere di essere in giro un lottatore quando theyre frustrati. Striscia di Battaglia. Molti lottatori tolgono le camicie e cappotti prima di una partita, alcuni addirittura strappando fuori. Grande male. Vince McMahon. quasi costantemente. Nel 2006, ha preso questa fino a undici pagando fuori una sconcertante diversificata Carnival of Killers (Shelton Benjamin, la Spirit Squad, Chris Masters, e Umaga solo per citarne alcuni) a uno convertire in McMahonism. liberarsi WWE di X. D-Generation o entrambi. In effetti, praticamente ogni tallone sul RAW (e anche un po 'da SmackDown e ECW) erano sia sul prendere o compresso in lavorare per Mr. McMahon. Bilingue fx: A volte le persone, come Rey Mysterio Jr. o Maryse taglierà parte di un promo nella loro lingua madre, o, talvolta, il tutto. Inavvertitamente invertita Maryse sull'edizione 2010/09/27 di RAW: lei e Ted DiBiase ha ricevuto un pezzo di carta con la prossima settimana, sarà il mio scritto su di esso. Maryse lesse in francese prima, dicendo: la semaine derniegravere, tu eacutetais agrave moi, che si traduce come la scorsa settimana, è stato il mio, che non è quello che è stato scritto. e probabilmente fatto molti fan francofoni piangono. La morale nero e grigio. Certo, praticamente ogni personaggio in WWE è stato un tacco a un certo punto durante la sua carriera. Pochissimi anche venire vicino ad essere eroi a tempo pieno come Tito Santana e Rey Mysterio. La morale in bianco e nero. Non si ferma la maggior parte delle faide di essere presentato come questo, però. L'era 80sHulkamania è probabilmente dove questo è stato giocato il più diritta, con tutti i volti essenzialmente essere ritratti come supereroi della vita reale e tutti i talloni in fase di riproduzione come supercriminali vita reale, con pochissimo spazio per l'ambiguità. La morale nero e grigio è decollata negli anni Novanta, quando gli anti-eroi e la HeelFace Porta girevole ha iniziato a diventare molto più comune. Benedetto con succhiare. Chiunque vince il Money in the Bank valigetta sarà, a colpo sicuro, inizia ad andare su una serie di sconfitte. Questo è stato scongiurato da alcuni però. E in un certo senso, l'attuale detentore del titolo (s), in quanto mette un occhio di bue gigante sulla schiena come vogliono per il proprio. A guida laser Karma. E a un certo punto si avrà incassato su di loro. Rompere la quarta parete: La sua estremamente raro che in realtà fanno questo, e non solo Appoggiandosi sulla quarta parete. ma finalmente è successo (o meno) in NXT stagione 3. Durante matrimonio Goldust e Aksana s, Michael Cole chiese ad alta voce perché Goldust stava insieme a suo fratello dopo apparentemente odiarlo in precedenza, e Josh Matthews ha risposto con Tu sai che questo è falso, giusto dopo alcuni secondi di mock-incredulità, sono andati a destra indietro a prendere la cerimonia di pseudo-serio. NXT, in generale, ha sempre iniziato a rompere o appoggiarsi sulla quarta parete, se la sua attraverso il commento o qualcuno come Dolph Ziggler beffardamente accusando una sfida di essere truccate e Matt Striker semplicemente rispondendo con ya think I pro a loro posti sono inoltre generalmente non in carattere e così non la sua raro vedere i vari alti e facce chat o comunque fare qualcosa di estraneo allo spettacolo. Nel corso della sua ormai iconico promo shoot lavorato nel 2011, CM Punk brevemente fatto riferimento alla quarta parete, andando anche al punto di sventolare direttamente alla fotocamera. Da allora, il suo personaggio gli ha dato la libertà di sfuggire ai confini del momento spettacoli premessa che vuole. CM Punk: Woops, Im Breakin la quarta parete angoli Spara La maggior parte lavorate sono per default, in quanto cerniera sul riconoscimento che il wrestling è sceneggiato e le persone coinvolte stanno giocando i personaggi e sono iscritti al winloseplay il personaggio che giocano. Un sacco di questo è accaduto prima e durante la ECW One Night Stand PPV nel 2005, in particolare da Joey Styles e Paul Heyman, dove fingevano di sparare a WWE. Rompere il Cutie. Fatto molto, molto crudele con Mickie James. C'è una ragione per cui più di una pubblicazione wrestling chiamata che l'angolo più o meno un'umiliazione per l'industria. Breakup Breakout: Il WWWF stata la prima azienda di wrestling importante per rompere i legami con la NWA e dichiarare il proprio campione del mondo. Flash-forward di oggi e la WWE è un'industria di miliardi di dollari, mentre la NWA esiste a malapena. Ogni volta che un tag team rompere e uno dei lottatori fa meglio rispetto agli altri. L'esempio più importante è Shawn Michaels dopo la rottura di The Rockers. Marty Jannetty era l'ex Trope Namer per questo motivo. La famiglia Wyatt e lo scudo sono esempi perfetti. Il primo aveva tutti e tre spaccatura individualmente, mentre il secondo ha fatto con ogni membro di passare a un grande successo single. Mattone Joke: Durante l'episodio di Raw 900i. Bordo di cui Sheamus come Beaker. Sulla puntata Halloween 2011 di Raw, quando l'ospite Muppets ospitato Raw per promuovere il loro nuovo film. Sheamus si trovò faccia a faccia con Beaker. Si scopre che theyre cugini. Più di un decennio e mezzo fa, c'era una trama che coinvolge Mark Henry. Mae Young. e il secondo dando vita ad una mano. Circa 16 anni più tardi, a RAW 1000. La mano del bambino in realtà riappare. notare come un giovane uomo che indossa un gigante scimmia costume mano Butt: Santino Marella. dopo la sua prima corsa bambino faccia non è riuscito a superare in Italia. Chavo Guerrero Jr .. perché theres niente di più umiliante che lavorazione su commessa di Hornswoggle più e più e più volte. O farlo mentre indossa un costume da un'aquila. Quando lo zio Eddie Guerrero (che aveva solo tre anni più grande, e come un fratello maggiore per lui) è morto, e la società impegnata in circa un anno di quello che i fan si riferiscono ironicamente come Eddiesploitation, è stato Rey Mysterio che ha ottenuto la grande spinta come vortici successore. Nonostante il fatto che Mysterio ed Eddie avevano poca connessione al di là essendo entrambi ispanici e dopo aver litigato più volte in passato. Il suo stato detto che Chavo è stato offerto il grande spinta prima Rey, ma rifiutò. Due parole: Michael Cole. Ancora due parole: Jillian Hall. Tesserato Villain: Kaientai dalla Attitude Era. Erano EEEEEVVVIIILLLL. INFATTI. Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase fece molti nemici di Batman aspetto sottomesso, per gridare forte. (Everyones ottenuto un prezzo BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) La maggior parte dei talloni durante gli anni '80 e primi anni '90 conterebbero. Cattura frase. E come Controlla la caratteri pagina per gli esempi. Il giocattolo da masticare. La Tabella spagnoli presentatori. che sembra esistere solo in modo lottatori possono prendere urti attraverso di essa. Chickification. Maschio esecutori WWE sono indicati come Superstars (dopo Superstar Billy Graham), mentre interpreti WWE femminili sono indicati come Divas (dopo dispettose, self-serving, le donne ad alto manutenzione in tutto il mondo). Sono facilmente individuati dai loro estensioni dei capelli, protesi mammarie, e non-stop jigglingsquealing ogni volta che si muovono. WWE ha più esempi sulla pagina di tropi stessa di qualsiasi altra serie pubblicate. Andando dalla lunga corsa Fabulous Moolah, il pareggio enorme che era Wendi Richter e la scelleratezza jeered di Sherri Martel alla carriera danneggiare corsa di Bertha Faye e pay per scontri vista cuscino tra concorrenti ricerca diva, il companys divisione intere donne ha iniziato forte nel 1956 ma è stato afflitto da questo tropo dal 1995. Durante il prototipo Diva Search (dieci anni prima è stato ufficialmente chiamato così), John Laurinaitis immediatamente attraversato fuori una tonnellata di candidati e ha detto a tutti che il messaggio dal piano di sopra è stato, erano alla ricerca di 10s. WWE è più ansioso di lividi loro interventi di chirurgia estetica che mettere su una partita guardabile, una vittima di Mickies dell'impianto che esplodono. Gail Kim era occupato pugni poco convincenti quando pensava, no, fk esso, Im fatto durante una Battle Royale e camminato a destra fuori. Il fatto è che nessuno nemmeno accorto fino a quando lei calpestato dietro le quinte e ha detto Johnny Ace che ha rinunciato. Lui rise in faccia. Il campionato delle donne era Chickified nel 2010, quando si ritirarono il campionato delle donne e sostituito con una vistosa rosa e argento a forma di farfalla-cintura chiamato il campionato Divas. Nessun precedente storia trasporta oltre alla cintura, o, il che è abbastanza conveniente. Anche JBL ha fatto un commento on-air su AJ essere il più lungo campione in carica Divas di tutti i tempi (che tecnicamente lei è) da snarkily fanalino di Fabulous Moolah, che aveva l'unico regno più lungo con qualsiasi campionato mai. Ora ogni volta che l'azienda vuole spingere una Diva, tutto quello che devono fare è rompere striscia AJS, che non è difficile. Nikki Bella detiene attualmente questo illustre onore. Parola è Bruce Prichard non ha ancora pensano le donne appartenevano a wrestling se non come caramelle braccio, e che è stato l'inizio del declino. C'erano sempre eccezioni, come Mickie James e Trish Stratus (che ha ottenuto il suo inizio nella modellazione) riuscendo a superare i ruoli consegnato a loro. Ma WWE mai veramente cambiato con i tempi, e con lo spostamento atteggiamenti verso le donne sia in Hollywood e MMA (per non parlare della facile disponibilità del porno), la Juvenilia degli anni '90 sembra più fuori luogo che mai, come i segmenti Diva spettatori emorragia e la società di treni perversamente modelli di costume da bagno per avere partite male, come il suo più sexy in questo modo. Per fortuna, grazie ad una fila Twitter tra AJ Lee e Stephanie McMahon, questo sembra finalmente stia cambiando. Divas NXT sono stati autorizzati a lavorare come gli uomini per un paio di anni a questa parte, mettere su alcuni dei migliori periodo di partite negli ultimi anni presso le specialità del cambio di gestione trimestrali NXT, e 3 di loro sono stati recentemente chiamati fino al roster principale per avviare un Divas Rivoluzione. La loro segmento debutto a Raw ha enorme This Is canti impressionante, e da allora hanno non solo le principali mostre spesso avuto due diverse partite Divas prenotati, ma le partite si stanno prenotato normalmente, invece del modello pausa bagno di 5 minuti lungo male prenotato partite che era stato puzzolenti la divisione Divas per anni. Sindrome Cunningham Chuck. Un caso in cui è successo a un titolo di campionato. Il titolo di WWF dei pesi massimi leggeri era infame non solo per scomparire di frequente, ma anche per i suoi campioni a scomparire una volta che theyd ha perso la cintura. Verso la fine del suo secondo regno, Dean Malenko fatto nemmeno portare la cintura sul ring con lui. Quando il titolo è stato finalmente disattivata per il bene, X-Pac che era al culmine della tropo ha chiamato è stato campione e si è infortunato, prendendo il titolo fuori della società. Presumibilmente, ha ancora la cintura a questo giorno. Raffreddare Mask. Kane. Rey Mysterio. Umanità. Sin Cara. Tonalità fredde. Bordo. John Morrison. Bret Hart. Continuità Cavalcade. Kane dà una deliziosa discorso sul suo passato, mentre in una classe di gestione della rabbia in 27 Agosto 2012 edizione di Raw. Ilarità Ensues. I cresciuto chiuso in uno scantinato, soffrendo gravi cicatrici psicologico ed emotivo quando mio fratello impostato i miei genitori in fiamme. Da lì, ho spostato in giro tra una serie di istituzioni mentali fino a che non è stato coltivato, a quel punto ho seppellito mio fratello vivo. due volte. Da allora, Ive ha fissato un paio di persone in fiamme e sequestrato vari collaboratori. Oh, e, uh, una volta che la scossa a testicoli Mans. Anni fa, avevo una ragazza di nome Katie ma lascia solo dire che non ha ancora rivelarsi troppo bene. Nota Facendo riferimento alla trama Katie Vick, uno dei più infame nella storia del wrestling, e vincitore del premio WrestleCrap s Gooker come la peggiore trama di wrestling del 2002. Il mio vero padre è un ragazzo di nome Paul Bearer. che di recente ho intrappolato in una cella frigorifera. Ive stato sposato. divorziato, ha rotto il mio matrimonio ex-mogli e rimosso definitivamente il prete. E, per ragioni mai del tutto spiegato, ho una malsana ossessione con torturare Pete Rose. A notare tre eventi WrestleMania consecutive (XIV attraverso XVI), l'ex di baseball ha avuto grande un incontro trama con Kane, ogni volta finire sul lato sbagliato di una delle Kanes mosse finali. Corrupt Corporate Executive. In kayfabe, la WWE come presentato è probabilmente la peggiore compagnia di tutti i tempi. Con i funzionari corrotti, boss abusive e una comprensione allentata della legge (fusioni aziendali, parco custodia, ecc essere risolta dal wrestling partite), il suo strano che la WWE non è mai venuto sotto inchiesta federale. Curb-Stomp Battaglia: succede di tanto in tanto. Di solito, tra un ingresso e Big Bad jobber. Di tanto in tanto sovvertito troppo. Drew McIntyre fatto il suo debutto come un jobber standard (a partire dal ring senza ingresso). solo per finire schiacciare la superstar si trovava di fronte e dichiarandosi il Prescelto. Questa è stata presa fino a undici nel Rey Mysterio vs JBL match a WrestleMania 25. Rey Rey ha vinto la partita in una manciata di secondi. Ultimate Warrior fatto una carriera fuori di essi. Ogni incontro con una superstar o tag team in erba è questo. Più scuro e spigoloso. L'Era Attitude. il periodo alla fine del 1990 e primi anni 2000 in cui il prodotto è stato caricato con ultra-violenza e sex appeal. Buio non è Evil: The Undertaker. se hes un volto. Taker è spesso rivaleggiava in questo reparto di Randy Orton. Nonostante sia conosciuta come la vipera e quasi mai sorridente, ottiene enormi applausi da parte dei tifosi. Deve essere stato un Draco in pantaloni di pelle di transizione. Una teoria popolare circa Ortons popolarità è che ricorda i fan di Stone Cold Steve Austin. Si veste in abiti simili (stivali neri e tronchi), ha un soprannome simile ad un serpente (The Viper rispetto al Austins Texas Rattlesnake), lavora un lento, deliberata stile senza fronzoli simile a Austins e la sua finisher, la RKO porta una somiglianza di passaggio a Austins Stone Cold Stunner. Orton, per coincidenza (o forse volutamente) da allora ha rasato la testa e iniziato a utilizzare il Lou Thesz Press. Stone Cold Steve Austin si adatta pure. Hes un tipo V Antihero (eroe in unico nome) che si veste in colori scuri, beve birra, attacca persone non provocata (a volte anche Divas, civili e anziani) ed è generalmente ripugnante. Poi si girò, il quadrante fino a 11 e esacerbato questo comportamento come parte di un turno FaceHeel nonostante gli annunciatori urlando come riprovevole queste azioni erano, e gli altri lottatori condannandolo, i fan hanno continuato a tifare per lui semplicemente perché era Stone Cold Steve Austin. Come risultato, il suo turno non è mai abbastanza preso ed era tornato indietro in tempi relativamente brevi. A Day in the Limelight. Tutti - e dico tutti - ottiene uno in WWE. Non credete a me Basta chiedere Hornswoggle. Deep South: Lance Cade e Trevor Murdoch, Jesse e Festus, Jamie Noble. Inoltre, Jeff e Matt Hardy in una certa misura. Florida-nato Michelle McCool è una sorta di bellezza del Sud stronza come un tacco. Hillbilly Jim (e il suo parente), punto e basta. Idem i Godwinns. La famiglia Wyatt in stile unisce la liberazione di questo tropo con un culto in stile Manson. Retrocesso a Extra: Questo accade ogni volta che un lottatore che di solito chi è in midcard, e hishers trama e contesa finisce, heshe tutto ma scompare, ma potrebbe presentarsi solo per avere una tantum partita contro qualcuno, in quanto vi è un altro feudo che è cominciando. Può anche accadere in prima carta e detto lottatore ottenere sceso a metà della carta (o inferiore). Può essere a causa di essi non sono abbastanza sopra, o qualcuno si è fatto male e hanno appena ottenere è sceso di conseguenza. Dal momento che i 2010s, molti eminenti metà cardatori, come Kofi Kingston. Aaron Haddad. Cody Rhodes. e Wade Barrett è stato messo da parte da artisti del calibro di tale talento a tempo parziale come la roccia e Brock Lesnar per una semplice ragione: part-time vendono, più della metà del cartellino non fanno. Averted for now by Kingston, whos now part of the extremely entertaining heel stabletag team The New Day. Designated Villain. invoked Some of the heels who get the most negative reactions from audiences are really more annoying or misguided than truly evil. Jillian Hall (whose only real crime is having an atrocious singing voice and not realizing it) is a perfect example. If such a heel is booked to be part of an important or semi-important storyline, the writers will usually have him or her quickly kick dogs . Discontinuity Nod : In a 2007 promo on Raw . Shawn Michaels and Triple H took shots at the infamous Katie Vick angle. Shawn Michaels : I dont know who writes this garbage. but this is the worst debacle since that whole Katie Vick thing years ago CM Punk also took shots at Katie Vick in an episode of Raw . CM Punk : Just look it up on YouTube. and itll drive you to drink, and then you can come to me and Ill save you Kane s anger management speech on a 2012 episode of Raw also referred to the Katie Vick storyline. See Continuity Cavalcade above. Amidst the bizarrely entertaining hodgepodge of half-intentional comedy that is NXT season 3, there have been at least a few of these for example, during the GoldustAksana wedding, Michael Cole said of the minister Is that Al Wilson (See Out with a Bang below.) Disproportionate Retribution. Very popular with heels, and often a starting point for a feud. Faces arent exactly innocent of using this either. The Dragon. Shane OMac to his father Vince when both are heels. Alternatively (or perhaps at the same time ), Vince will use a top heel wrestler as this. The best example is The Rock when he was the Corporate Champion. Randy Orton in Evolution, with Flair playing The Evil Genius and Batista playing The Brute and Triple H being the Big Bad . Dragon Ascendant. The Rock in The Nation of Domination and Triple H in D-Generation X . Dumb Muscle : Often played straight, with a cocky heel accompanied by large, silent. not-especially-bright Mooks but sometimes subverted: some very muscular wrestlers like Batista, Bobby Lashley or Triple H. although not being geniuses, arent stupid either. One of Triple H s Red Barons is even The Cerebral Assassin. Enemy Mine : Virtually a given in any Triple Threat Match. Is especially funny in the Royal Rumble Match, particularly in 2005 when Muhammad Hassan tried to participate. He didnt last too long. The build up to Team WWE vs. The Nexus at Summerslam 2010 involved John Cena and Bret Hart forging a fragile alliance with Edge and Chris Jericho. In a matter of weeks, Edge and Jericho would join the team, quit the team, and rejoin six days before the match. The only thing that kept the team together was mutual hate for Nexus, and it only lasted until Edge and Jerichos eliminations from the team. Even the Girls Want Her. Kelly Kelly. There was more than a little Les Yay evident when Candice Michelle enthusiastically accepted Kellys invitation to join her in an ECW dance performance. Before that, Trish Stratus and TORRIE WILSON. though they were not happy about it. Even the Guys Want Him. John Morrison and Shawn Michaels. notably. Evil Is Petty. Often used to gain heel heat, especially if said heel isnt getting the right kind of audience reaction. Kurt Angle once tried every offense tactic in the book in one promo and these people still cheer for him Evil Laugh. Ted DiBiase Sr.. DOINK THE CLOWN. THE BOOGEYMAN. Vickie Guerrero. many. Evil Power Vacuum. The injury epidemic of early 2016 was so bad that, at one point, there was only one active main eventer in the entire main roster (Dean Ambrose ). Everyone else was either a part-timer or injured. This was particularly bad, as that was during the Road to WrestleMania . After that, the company made more of an effort to push more people to the top 8212 WrestlingAJ Styles, Finn Blor. and Kevin Owens carved out a place in the main event scene by winning world titles and feuding with the already established main eventers: the former members of The Shield. John Cena. and Randy Orton . Expy : Some of the next generation of wrestlers like Randy Orton and John Morrison seem a bit like theyre a call back to previous superstars. Randy as mentioned above has crossed into Steve Austin territory while John Morrison wouldnt seem too far out of place alongside Shawn Michaels . Ted DiBiase Jr. was one to his father during his heel run. Husky Harris was repackaged in NXT as Bray Wyatt. an expy of Dan Spivey s short-lived Waylon Mercy character from the mid-90s which was itself an expy of Max Cady, Robert De Niro s character from the movie Cape Fear . The Face. Someone who comes along just once a decade. The Big Five. Namely, Bruno. Hogan, Austin, Rock (more or less a torch-carrier for Austin after the injury), and Cena guys who fundamentally changed wrestling and left WWE far different than they found it. Billy Graham also deserves a ton of credit for introducing feuds: a long-running story arc leading up to the big blowoff. (In the olden days, heels never stood a chance unless it was against a midcard scrub, and then only to make the face look even more powerful.) FaceHeel Turn. A standard procedure. Often used to start a new storyline or to advance an old one. HeelFace Turn. This is pretty common among the main-eventers, as fans start to want to cheer for a fascinating heel but dont want to feel dirty doing it. HeelFace Revolving Door. Happens when a wrestler turns within months of previous turn. Kane and The Big Show are prone to this, and most Divas switch between the two without much notice or setup. The Miz in 2013 pulled this off several times. Chyna was notorious for switching sides multiple times on the same show. Fascinating Eyebrow. The Rocks The PeoplesCorporate Eyebrow Fat Bastard : King Kong Bundy. Earthquake. Yokozuna. Bastion Booger, Rikishi, Big Daddy V to name a few. Subverted by Haystacks Calhoun. who was grotesquely fat but hailed as a hero by the fans. Also subverted during Rikishis face periods. Five Moves of Doom. Trope Namer is Bret Hart. though the Trope Codifier is John Cena and an Ur-Example is Hulk Hogan . Foreign Wrestling Heel : Played straight with The Iron Sheik. Kamala. Vladimir Kozlov. William Regal. the Great Khali, practically every Canadian heel ever, and Finlay when he was heel. Averted by the likes of Kofi Kingston. Yoshi Tatsu and Finlay as a face, but played so straight with practically everyone of foreign extraction ever seen in WWFE at some point in their careers, its become one of Vinnie Macs defining tropes - not that its ever been confined to WWE, of course. Even applied to wrestlers who are not actually foreign or even of the same racial background as the character portrayed. providing they dont need to speak a lot - e. g. Jimmy Yang, a Korean-American, played Tajiri s Mook Akio in a Japanese stable (some time before he subverted this trope by becoming Jimmy Wang Yang, a foreign-looking chap who happens to act like hes a cowboy. which is therefore amusing), or Yokozuna, a quasi-Japanese Polynesian wrestler played by Rodney Anoai of the great Samoan wrestling dynasty. Many of this family have been presented as semi-savages when their ethnic background is recognized, from the Wild Samoans to Umaga. The Canadian Bret Hart got massive heel heat in America by proclaiming his home countrys superiority, yet simultaneously retained a fanatically loyal Canadian fanbase that kept the Hitman face north of the border (and in the rest of the world) which presumably made his opponents Evil Foreigners from a Canadian perspective. Years later, the various incarnations of La Resistance were always Evil Foreigners (whether billed as from France or Quebec, except for one delirious babyface night in Montreal), which led to the absurd commentary habit of referring to them as first French sympathizers and subsequently Quebec sympathizers prompting some mystification amongst those who had missed the exact point at which the USA or indeed WWE had declared war on France and Quebec. WWE had always been rather supportive of the armed forces (witness Tribute to the Troops). That might explain it. Subverted when WWE did the Kerwin White gimmick with Chavo Guerrero, showing him pretending to want to be a stereotypical preppy white dude. After his Uncle Eddies death, the gimmick died with him. (It should be noted that both Eddie and Chavo wereare American.) As of 2010, WWE has toned down their usage of this trope - WWE now has a plethora of foreigners (such as Wicked Cultured Alberto Del Rio. Genius Bruiser Wade Barrett. Miles Gloriosus Sheamus. Violent Glaswegian Drew McIntyre ), and while many of them are heels, none of them are evil because they are foreign - each has a full-on heel gimmick to get heat. And as of 2012, an equal number of foreigners who are face. As with the heels, theyre the good guys with their own characters rather than using their foreigner status as their sole defining feature. Revived by Rusev and Lana in 2014 (previously using the gimmick in NXT as well) despite generally being thought of as a Dead Horse Trope. and its been surprisingly successful at garnering heat considering Cesaro got almost no heat at all while he did his anti-American United States Champion run just a few years earlier. Friendly Neighborhood Vampire. Gangrel. (He never really got the stardom to be a face or a heel.) Fun with Acronyms. Lets see: I rwin R . S hyster, the wrestling taxman. H enry O . G odwin and P hineas I . G odwin, wrestling swine-farmers, M ontel V ontavious P orter, the Captain Ersatz for Terrell Owens, Rosey the S uper H ero I n T raining. Genre Shift. NXT went from being a show of finding the next breakout star, full of challenges and the like, to become sort of a third brand in 2012 after they had abandoned the challenges some months prior, to then becoming a show for their developmental talent. It was broadcasted on WWE up until the end of season 5, then it was moved to Hulu, so not many were aware of this. Its now part of the WWE Network, and are being talked about more, so the awareness factor has increased. Geodesic Cast. The Brand Extension to Raw and Smackdown (and briefly ECW ). Again by 2016 with the Brand Extension happening a second time. Raw and Smackdown split again. Add NXT, which is now as recognizable a brand as either TV program and the soon-to-debut 205 Live . which each have its own rosters, and it most certainly applies. Getting Crap Past the Radar. When the WWF became WWE, they ran ads saying Get the F Out The Giant. Andr the Giant. Kevin Diesel Nash. The Big Show and The Great Khali, and to a lesser extent, Kane. and The Undertaker . Gimmick Matches. Hell in a Cell, the Royal Rumble, the Elimination Chamber, Money in the Bank, etc. Hammerspace. Under the ring is pretty much this. In addition to the fact that pretty much anything can be found underneath it, Hornswoggle lives under it in kayfabe. And DX once had to go under it as part of a storyline where Hornswoggle sued them, discovering an entire building under the ring populated by people of Hornswoggles size. This was previously mentioned by JBL, but no one believed him. Hide Your Gays. Zigzagged with Darren Young, the first openly gay superstar to come out while still in the company. On the one hand, the company hasnt tried to cover up anything about his sexuality. and has in fact been very supportive of it. On the other hand, he was purposely left out of a company tour of the United Arab Emirates, since homosexuality is illegal in that part of the world. and his boyfriends face was later airbrushed out of a skit on WWE Swerved. This later turned out to be a triple - subversion, since Titus ONeils kids were also given the airbrush treatment, leading to many people suggesting that Darrens boyfriend simply hadnt given WWE permission to show his face on TV. (Conversely, WWE not only later put Tituss real-life sons onscreen, but featured them in a TV angle.) Hijacked by Ganon : Dr. Harvey Wippleman unleashing the Giant Gonzales on The Undertaker at Royal Rumble 1993 as revenge for Taker having defeated Kamala in the casket match at Survivor Series 1992, leading to Kamalas HeelFace Turn and his siding with Reverend Slick. Vince McMahon as the Higher Power in 1999. Triple H hijacking Test s kayfabe wedding to Stephanie McMahon (and push) in the same year. Stone Cold Steve Austin getting run over by a car driven by Rikishi: Triple H was revealed as the mastermind out of nowhere a month into the feud. History Repeats. Those who wanted a second Attitude Era have thus far remained disappointed however, the apparent re-focus on match quality, the revival in particular of women as wrestling talents as opposed to (or more accurately, along with ) being nice to look at, and the heavy influx of talent resulting in an outright brand split, the mid-2010s are taking a very similar path to the Ruthless Aggression Era of the 2000s. I Ate WHAT. Al Snow s Pepper steak and the infamous gassy burrito given to Big Show by Eddie Guerrero. Also Earthquakes Quake Burgers supposedly made from Jake Roberts pet snake Damien. I Have Many Names. Most of the wrestlers have had more than one name (or at least more than one gimmick) during their runs. The company itself has gone through this. From Capitol Wrestling Corporation to World Wide Wrestling Federation to World Wrestling Federation to World Wrestling Entertainment to WWE, Inc. (World Wrestling Entertainment is still the legal name of the company.) Subverted by Mark Calaway, AKA The Undertaker. While the gimmick has changed during his run 20 year run, hes been The Undertaker through pretty much his entire run. Hes only wrestled under a different name, Kane the Undertaker, at the very beginning of his WWE career, and only for the first couple of weeks. Idiot Ball. The most frequently-occurring case is when a wrestler completely switches focus from the opponent they have lying on the mat to yell at someone (either the ref, or whomever came to the aid of their opponent) in the opposite direction or outside the ring. 9 times out of 10, this results in them turning and walking straight into the opponents finisher the remaining 1 is a successful roll-up. This can happen merely when an interlopers entrance music is played. Informed Ability. NXT rookie Michael Tarver never knocked anyone out in 1.9 seconds on screen. That is, until the NXT riot. His first victim John Cena . Insistent Terminology : Professional wrestling soon gave way to Sports Entertainment and, as of 2010, Live Entertainment. As mentioned by Joey Styles in a Worked Shoot. WWEs insistence upon calling the wrestlers Superstars (Which, to be fair, they have done since the 80s) Likewise, from the Attitude Era until April 2016, female wrestlers were referred to as Divas, despite the negative connotations the word carries about a woman being egotistical, flighty, and overbearing andor with a large sense of entitlement. It sort of made sense in the 90s Anti-Hero enviroment of the Attitude Era but at best comes off as really 1990s when used with no sense of irony in any era since. This even carries over to the WWE womens singles title being the Divas Championship, choosing to eliminate the Womens Championship that had been in WWE for over fifty years. Somewhat averted by AJ Lee in her 2014 worked shoot on Stephanie McMahon. where she repeatedly used the word woman to refer to herself and other female talent. Afterwards it became more common for announcers and wrestlers to use woman or girl where Diva would have been ordinarily used, before the term was effectively retired at WrestleMania 32 . with the Divas Championship being retired and replaced by a second Womens Championship. WWE doesnt have bookers, it has writers. They dont work angles, they run storylines. The superstars dont have gimmicks. but characters, superstars dont operate in the locker room but backstage. This started to become true to an extent, as WWE began favoring soap opera and Hollywood writers over pro wrestling bookers, resulting in WWE programming becoming more heavily scripted. Superstars are often told what to say word for word and sometimes have their matches planned out hold to hold in advance. For better or worse, WWE has effectively distanced itself from a lot of what makes pro wrestling, with some superstars prioritizing acting classes over tapes or training. Because of WWEs size and wide distribution, occasionally workers from other companies talk about characters or writers even if nothing of the sort is present just because WWE is so pervasive. In fact, one can judge WWEs foothold in any given area by going to a wrestling event and taking note of how much or how little of its terminology they fall into. Taken to the next level when TVWeek wrote a press release about Drew Carey being inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame (referring to the WWE Hall of Fame) and the WWE demanded the headline be changed because it included the words Pro Wrestling. Read more about it here . To be fair, the WWE Hall of Fame does not represent the industry as whole, so there were likely more reasons beyond simply the terminology, plus there is an actual independently-run Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame as well. The WWE does not have fans. Rather, they have the collective WWE Universe. Championship belts are almost never referred to as objects in the modern era. Instead, they are referred to as the championship the belt represents, rather than as a belt ex: John Cena is holding up the WWE championship, as opposed to He is holding up the championship belt note This led to a comical bit when Mick Foley was on commentary and slipped up, then tried to cover himself when he said a wrestler was looking at the World Heavyweight title belt. which is representative of being the World Heavyweight champion If youre lucky, youll find them referring to it as title, but never belt. Personal pronouns, while not forbidden on commentary, are unusually rare. Its very common to hear a wrestler referred to by name and then referred to by name again in the very next sentence, even after its been clearly established who the announcers are referring to and a pronoun (he, she, them, etc.) would be perfectly acceptable. Invincible Hero : Hulk Hogan for most of his career, Triple H and John Cena at times (2005-2006, 2008-2012) The Ultimate Warrior was arguably the worst offender. How many times did you EVER see the Ultimate Warrior put someone over clean Answer for most fans: zero times. Jobber. In the 1990s, it was Barry Horowitz. Also, Al Snow and the J. O.B. Squad. Steve Lombardi. the Brooklyn Brawler, was the traditional virgin-slayer in the 80s and 90s, just about everyone who wasnt jobbing got their first win over him. In 2008 Colin Delaney lost so often, losing actually became his gimmick. These days, the go-to jobber is Heath Slater. to the point that he led a stable many consider to be the modern-day J. O.B. Squad 8212 The Social Outcasts. With Slater in this faction are regular enhancement talents Bo Dallas. Curtis Axel. and Adam Rose . Juxtaposed Halves Shot. They have a strange love of them. The posters for the WWE Invasion PPV had half Vince McMahon and half Shane McMahon, since the invading force was the WCWECW contingent led by Shane. WWE Superstars always opened with a montage of them. Kid-Appeal Character. Hulk Hogan. Rey Mysterio Jr. and John Cena. Jeff Hardy to a lesser extent. Kids Prefer Boxes. This Christmas promo for WWEshop and the Elimination Chamber playset. CMOF for Shawn Michaels. Lame Comeback. Very often, a face and a heel will converse and the face will mock and insult the heel. And virtually every single time, the heel will either respond with spluttering outrage or by saying some variation of You think youre pretty funny, huh Lampshade Hanging. WWE posted this job opening 9674 for the RAW General Manager position when it was vacant in-universe in late 2011. Large Ham : Vince McMahon. YOUUUUURE. FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED Also, Santino Marella . World of Ham. This is actually the manner in which many of the wrestlers portray themselves, showing their own personalities turned Up to Eleven . Lantern Jaw of Justice. Great Khali, so, so much. Laxative Prank. Eddie Guerrero did this to The Big Show using a bagful of spiked burritos. Le Parkour. John Morrison practices this both in-ring and outside. Leaning on the Fourth Wall : Many, many instances. Triple H. especially, loves this one. During most of the backstage segments that arent direct promos or interviews, most superstars dont acknowledge that there is a camera crew right there in the room with them. Theyll sometimes openly discuss secret plans as if they were the only ones in the room and the people whos backs theyre sneaking behind couldnt just watch the show later on DVR. Kane is a notable exception towards the end of most backstage skits hes in, hell give an evil stare directly into the camera. NXT season 3. The show was due to be cancelled mid-season in order to bring Smackdown to the SyFy network, and WWE apparently took this as an opportunity to launch into full-blown self-referential insanity, especially at the commentary table. Michael Cole constantly derided the show as being terrible and quit at one point. He was briefly replaced by CM Punk. which resulted in an episode where the commentary (aside from seeing a substantial increase in quality) reached a nearly Mystery Science Theater 3000 level of mocking, and it stayed right around that level ever since. In addition to just trashing the show in general, the commentary frequently danced around kayfabe. Lesser Star. The reason fans (and some wrestlers ) whine so much about getting into the main event is because unless you are in the main event, you arent going to get a compelling, sustained storyline in WWE. Everything else is a halftime show. In the 80s this wasnt an issue in the WWF because the secondary and tag titles held some importance. The Intercontinental champ seemed like a big deal. Those same titles are no longer valued by the company, and so the fans ignore them in turn. Lighter and Softer : Well, they discontinued WWE Magazine . but kept the kids version of it. Since WWEs free shows became rated TV-PG, starting in 2009. The pay-per-views were rated TV-14, until the Hell in a Cell PPV, which was rated TV-PG. Thats just the culture of the Aughts, though: Attitude was a reflection of the 90s, South Park and Jerry Springer. WWE has always been a funhouse mirror of popular culture, and if the culture isnt as edgy, and more PC, then so it with WWE. Its quite possible that VKM is now basing his decisions, also, as a grandfather rather than a businessman. The general consensus on the revived ECW (WWECW) brand. Despite several warnings (from Heyman and others) that it was a terrible idea to stick to formula in one of the former ECW strongholds and to only throw in one of the original ECW guys to keep the crowd happy. One Night Stand played out no differently from Raw . with Show main-eventing with Batista. The crowd, which had been pretty affable until this point, started booing like crazy which Joey Styles actually tried to play off as a mixed reaction. Maybe he meant mixed between those giving the finger and those chanting for refunds. December to Dismember . broadcast from Georgia later that year, was nothing more than an Elimination Chamber event attended by actively hostile southerners. Also visible in the crowd are businessmen in suits waving inflatable kendo sticks. Yikes. These were preceded by a pair of not-bad PPVs, One Night Stand 05 and 06 . which at least featured some tables and ladders. The addition of little-person wrestler Hornswoggle and his inclusion in many storylines seemed to come at the very beginning of this new phase of the WWEs existence. Curiously, many fans dont seem to like the panto matches hes involved in very much. Actually, nowadays JBL and Cole go out to lunch whenever the Little Bastard appears, as if theyre tired of him as well.. Saturday Morning Slam on The CW s Vortexx Saturday morning block is even more lighter amp softer than its other programming, being rated TV-G as opposed to TV-PG. The show places more of an emphasis on colorful characters to appeal to a younger audience, and matches featured on the show tend to focus on the athletic aspects of pro wrestling, with WWE higher-ups even forbidding moves that target the head. Shortly before her release, the company had Sherri put over Todd Pettengil . the geeky host of the kids-themed WWF Mania (causing a young RD Reynolds head to explode). Judging by her excitement, youd think she was off to meet Benedict Cumberbatch. Loads and Loads of Characters. There is a reason we have Raw and Smackdown. And if one where to check out their Alumni page on Wikipedia you see how many have been employed at one point or another. Loads and Loads of Roles : Mick Foley s four wrestling personas - Cactus Jack, Dude Love, Mankind and himself - are all completely separate characters. Unlike Isaac Yankem DDS and Kane, say, who were played by the same person but are totally separated characters, it is openly acknowledged that Foley is one guy in 4 roles. It was even lampshaded when he once entered a Royal Rumble match three times (he wasnt working under his own name at the time), once for each persona. Also lampshaded at the 2005 Taboo Tuesday PPV, when fans voted online whether Foley would face Carlito as Mankind, Cactus Jack, or Dude Love. Mankind won the online vote and also the match. Loser Leaves Town. The Career Threatening Match forces a wrestler to leave the company if he loses said match. Comes in numerous variants, including the Exactly What It Says on the Tin Loser Gets Fired match. When the Brand Extension was in full force and you didnt move between Raw or Smackdown unless there was a Draft, you had the Loser Leave RawSmackdown, and had to move over to the other brand. Loud Gulp. Vince McMahon has turned this into an art. MacGuffin Melee : For a while the Hardcore Title was defended on the 247 rule. Anybody could challenge for the belt at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter what the champ was doing, as long as they had a WWF ref to call the match. Frequently the new champ would then be attacked by one of his friends, who would win the belt only to be challenged in turn, and so on. Manipulative Bastard. Edge and Triple H. and sometimes Mr. McMahon. Manipulative Editing. Used in-universe for a John Laurinaitis People Power video package for Over The Limit 2012 in the style of a business commercial. John Laurinaitis, the heel authority figure who is routinely booed, is made to look like a well-loved politician as the praises of People Power are sung by the charts and voiceover. Mle Trois. Triple Threat Matches and Fatal x - Ways, usually. Upped to always when a titles on the line. Misplaced Accent. Kofi Kingston is from Ghana (West Africa) but was initially billed as Jamaican and used an accent approximately more like hes from Jamaica. Mondegreen : Shelton Benjamins music has been modified several times because of this. Sheamus s theme song is a wealth of humorous Mondegreens. On some forums, he has gotten the nickname Lobster Head due to his red hair and the lyric lost your head, and the line Too many lies has been Mondegreend as Too many limes They can still be seen on signs in the WWE Universe occasionally. He also has a few mondegreens in some of his lines, thanks to his Irish accent: Fact isfuck this and in front ofand fucked for starters. Matt Hardy s song is another popular source for them. The opening line, I can slam a tornado, I can fly over seas has had many, many unflattering Mondegreens (example: I can slap a tomato, I can make BLTs .) Whenever Motrhead plays Triple H s theme live (theyve done it several times at WrestleMania ), Lemmy can never get the lyrics right. Mooks. If Vince McMahon is a heel. pretty much every heel can be considered this, since he can summon them whenever he wants. To a lesser extent, a lower-level heel authority figure or even main heel wrestlers can use lower card heels this way, especially if they have a Power Stable thats larger than a Five-Bad Band . Mugged for Disguise. In one episode, the Bella Twins stole Paiges outfit just before a match. Paige compensated by grabbing a random Rosebud (a Cameo from indie wrestler Leva Bates) and dragging her into a dressing room. Cue Paige making her ring entrance in the unfortunate fans purple fairy costume. Mundane Made Awesome. Some of the wrestlers signature moves count as this, as theyre made to look more devastating during a match than they would be in reality. The Peoples Elbow is a perfect example its nothing more than a standing elbow drop, but thanks to The Rocks charisma, its sold as a finishing move, and the crowd goes crazy for it. Also of note is The Big Shows knockout punch - which doesnt need much to be sold as a finisher as its being delivered by a 7 foot tall, 500 pound behemoth. Named by Democracy. The fans were asked to name every program on the WWE Network. Also how Air Boom (Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston ) and Team Hell No got their names. Never Heard That One Before : Yes, we DO know that its fake, thank you. You can stop informing us. One fan at WrestleMania XXVI held a sign that stated, Its still real to me, dammit Yes, we heard that Triple H monopolizes creative control. So did Hulk Hogan. Ric Flair. Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels. Dusty Rhodes. Jeff Jarrett. uh everybody whos ever had creative control has done that. Never My Fault. Commonplace. A heel can never accept they lost a match legitimately, they will accuse their opponent of using illegitimate tactics or manipulating a weakness. Can often lead into another feud arc if they blame their loss on an ally involved (and usually try beat that point into them). 90s Anti-Hero. Stone Cold Steve Austin pretty much codified the trope for Professional Wrestling. let alone WWE. He was followed by Bikertaker. The Rock (as a face) and Triple H s non-DX face character. Non-Indicative Name. For sixteen years the WWF Light Heavyweight title was under the jurisdiction of the International Wrestling Grand Prix and Universal Wrestling Association. When the WWF finally got around to using the belt, they ignored everything IWGP, UWA and anyone else for that matter, had done with it. Not Using the W Word : WWE is notorious for frequent attempts to distance itself from the concept of wrestling instances include (but are not limited to) billing itself as Sports Entertainment rather than professional wrestling, press releases to magazines playing the trope straight, exclusively referring to wrestlers as Superstars rather than wrestlers, referring to Fans as the WWE Universe and, most lately, discarding its own name (World Wrestling Entertainment) WWE is now officially not an acronym although the companys legal name is still World Wrestling Entertainment, it does business exclusively as WWE. Zigzagged now the word wrestler is part of WWE Champ CM Punk s Insistent Terminology. and WWE has relented somewhat on the policy, reportedly due to falling ratings. Now Buy the Merchandise : Listen up kids, if you want to become a champion, theres 3 things that you have to do: Do your exercises, say your prayers, and eat your. ice cream bars. Six a day if possible. Sensational Sherri approves. 9674 Omniscient Council of Vagueness : The anonymous RAW general manager (played by a laptop) was a bit of a mixed bag. It really depended on who was reading hisher emails. A heel like Cole could get away with murder while escaping responsibility for what the GM ordered. Other times, the GM would help out the babyfaces. It seems like WWE is publicly owned even in kayfabe now, hence the implication that the Board of Directors is independent of Vince and can go over him. This used to be the role of the President who seemed to have all the executive power. (Back when Vince was still just a color commentator.) Jack Tunney was a sort of super-commissioner. In kayfabe, the WWE board of directors are mostly faceless and nameless. The board is by design ambiguous: It can either help The Authority or hurt them (e. g. The same board that fired Vince also fired HHH during the walkout storyline). In terms of power, the board seems to rule over all: they can hirefire anyone they want, they can cook up any match that they want, and they can choose to strip a title if they want. It seems that this power is kept in reserve, as the day-to-day issues are handled by the McMahons. Vince is the Chairman in reality, but in Kayfabe the last times he was on television, it was as a figurehead. Stephanie and Hunter are the ones answering to the BoD right now. The board kept the Authority from doing stuff like firing Bryan when he became a threat to Ortons title reign, and maintains a check on Stephanies rasher decisions. The Only One Allowed to Defeat You. Sheamus justification for helping John Cena against The Nexus. on an episode of Raw. Out with a Bang. Al Wilson, in whats probably an angle most people have repressed. Overly Long Gag. Admit it - the fans shouting out WHAT grates on the nerves, seeing as Stone Cold (who started it up) has long been largely out of the picture, and it was only relevant during his brief heel run a decade ago. Parts Unknown : The Ultimate Warrior. of course Luna Vachon. from The Other Side of Darkness Damien Demento, from The Outer Reaches of Your Mind The Boogeyman, from The Bottomless Pit Shawn Stasiak, from Planet Stasiak Who (Jim The Anvil Neidhart), from Who Knows Where Peoples Republic of Tyranny. Invoked by John Laurinaitis with People Power. Pint-Sized Powerhouse. Rey Mysterio Jr. may be short, but hes also noticeably quicker than the vast majority of the guys he wrestles against. Hes held his own against more than his share of big guys. Playing with Fire. Kane the Inferno Match occasionally the wrestlers pyros. Politically Incorrect Villain. Inverted by Muhammad Hassan. Thuggin and Buggin Enterprises was a straight example. Kerwin White was the most extreme. Zeb Colter takes this Up to Eleven . Poke the Poodle. One storyline had Tyson Kidd feuding with Yoshi Tatsu. Tysons claim to villainbig heel act to get Yoshi angry He broke Yoshis action figure. Power Stable. Some examples: The Heenan Family (80s-92) The New Hart Foundation (1997) D-Generation X (1997-2000) Ministry of Darkness (1998-1999) The Corporation (1998-1999) Evolution (2003-2005, 2014) The Cabinet (2004-2005) La Familia (2007-2008) Legacy (2008-2010) The Nexus (2010-2011) The Corre (2011) The Shield (2012 - 2014) The Authority (2013-Present) The Club (2016-Present) Prejudiced For Pecs. Rick Rude told Austin that. Dammit, Steve, this is an upper body business. WWE is behind the inflated size expectations of wrestlers in USA, though WCW shares the blamecredit. Before the WWF got a national TV deal, a 180 lbs man was considered on the small side but still a valid heavyweight. In WWF and WCW 220 lbs was considered too small 9674 for a heavyweight. On the womens side WWE deflated size expectations. A 130 lbs woman used to be considered on the small side but still a valid heavyweight (which is itself a deflation, as the 138 Fabulous Moolah was initially considered too small to be a heavyweight by Jack Pfefer and got the Womens championship by virtue of the NWA deciding to not put a weight limit on the belt). By 2003 or so, 120 lbs was considered standard for WWE divas. Thus watching WWE shows can be a pretty jarring experience for fans of US independent or foreign shows when they see wrestlers normally considered towering (Claudio Castagnoli ) or tiny (Jacqueline ) suddenly look pretty average. WWE occasionally does go against the grain, such as with 190 lbs Daniel Bryan or 180 lbs Chyna but they tend to be exceptions that prove the rule. Bryans first World Championship reign was presented as him comically fleeing from Big Show and Mark Henry while Chyna was more famous for fighting men as none of the other woman gave her any real challenge-Lita got credit for simply not being squashed by her. After the fall of WCW the 220 lbs Chris Benoit as World Heavyweight Champion was a big deal in 2004. With the C ruiser W eight C lassic in 2016, it was stated the weight limit would be 205 lbs, which theoretically means anyone weighing at least 205 can also be a heavyweight champion in WWE, still higher than contemporary boxing but lower than any other major pro wrestling promotion with weight classes. This may not change who actually gets the belt, but its a step. Prosthetic Limb Reveal. This was Zach Gowen s introduction. Hes planted in the audience, Roddy Piper drags him into the ring, and gives him a step over toe hold - only for his leg to pop off. Put on a Bus. Whenever someone is out due to injury, gets suspended or leaves the company. They usually come back after a while. For some it takes longer than others. Real Men Wear Pink. At least if its Cancer Awareness Month, something WWE has every year in October. The Harts always wear pink. Reasonable Authority Figure. Any face GM. Mick Foley. Daniel Bryan and Booker T come to mind. Tyrant Takes the Helm : Whenever a heel get GM power. Vickie Guerrero. John Laurinaitis . Really, most times Vince asserts his authority. Recognizable by Sound. Regularly employed in WWE productions, where a wrestlers entrance music indicates he is on his way to the ring, often to the detriment of the wrestler already in the ring. Wrestler A . I throw out an open challenge to anyone backstage Reformed, but Not Tamed. A number of wrestlers will make a HeelFace Turn and still behave like heels. The noticeable change is that they start feuding with heels instead of faces and stop insulting the audience in their promos. Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock are prime examples. Religion of Evil : Undertaker and the entire Ministry of Darkness during the Attitude Era. Also an inadvertent Cosmopolitan Council . Vince McMahon would briefly create McMahonism, mostly as retaliation for Shawn Michaels newfound born-again status. The cult of straight edge appeared to look this way thanks to CM Punk and his now-defunct Straight Edge Society. Whatever the hell The Wyatt Family follows - or at least Rowan and Harper. (Bray already believes himself to be a god. so. ) Ring Oldies : Finlay is 52 years old. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are 48. Kane is 46, and Triple H is 44. Hulk Hogan is nearly 60. However, special mention goes to Wrestling Ric Flair who (after retiring at 59) wrestled until 63, finally retiring from in-ring work shortly after Jerry Lawler (born in the same year as Flair) suffered his near-fatal heart attack on Raw . None of them can hold a candle to The Fabulous Moolah, who won a match on her 80th birthday. Or Mae Young who took a table bump (to clarify for non-fans, that means getting smashed through a table) from the Dudleys in her 80s. and who claimed to have a standing invitation to wrestle Vince McMahon s (currently preschooler) granddaughter, Aurora Levesque, on Maes 100th birthday. Young would have turned 100 in the year 2023, at which point young Aurora will be sixteen plus change. Unfortunately, she died in 2014. so that wont happen. Running Gag. Whenever Raw or Smackdown comes to Corpus Christi, its become a tradition that something - or someone - will get tossed into the Gulf of Mexico. Sdrawkcab Alias. While not in the typical sense, the WWE loves to take a wrestlers real names and change it around to get their ring name. Bryan Danielson became Daniel Bryan, and Curtis Jonathan Hussey became Johnny Curtis. This isnt a new thing, either. Shawn Michaels is legally named Michael Shawn Hickenbottom. Still the Leader. Faarooq. after The Rock took over leadership of the Nation. Suplex Finisher. Somewhat surprisingly, very few wrestlers use a suplex as an actual finishing move. The most notable examples are probably Mr. Perfects Perfectplex and the T-Bone Suplex of Shelton Benjamin. There are also, to some extent, Goldust s Final Cut, Goldberg s Jackhammer and Al Snows Snowplow brainbuster. Notable examples where a variety is used as the direct set-up for a finisher include Eddie Guerrero s Three Amigos twisting snap suplexes (for the Frog Splash), and the trifecta of German suplexes often used by Chris Benoit (for the Diving Headbutt) and Kurt Angle . Tag Team. Including many Tag Team Twins such as the Killer Bees, Jimmy and Jey Uso and the Bella Twins. the Blu Twins and Gymini. Talk Show with Fists. Just to name a few: WWE Prime Time: A SportsCenter type panel, usually centered around Heenan and Gorilla catfighting from across a table while Vince tried to keep order. Wrestling Spotlight . Miss Elizabeth (the Kelly to Vinces Regis) and Vince reacted to each match from the comfort of a TV studio. After Macho dumped her, Liz went on a sabbatical, saddling Vince with Queen Sherri. She made quick work of him, demanding a huge throne for herself and using the show to put the heels over. Vince was replaced by an even wimpier host. Sean Mooney, who regularly had his life threatened by the heel guests. Pipers Pit The Brother Love Show. a parody of televangelists on deep cable. Brutus Beefcakes Barber Shop The Kings Court The Heartbreak Hotel. with a heart-shaped bed in lieu of chairs. Classic. The Funeral Parlour The Cutting Edge The Peep Show The Highlight Reel MizTV Carlitos Cabana MVPs VIP Lounge Ambrose Asylum Take That : During the Monday Night Wars. and against those who left the WWE on bad terms. Billionare Teds Wrasslin War Room . WWF made fun of how WCW was basically a retirement home. featuring such greats as the Nacho Man, the Huckster, and Scheme Gene. (Huckster is so old he can no longer do moves. so instead, he poses). The Moral Guardians. the Right To Censor, is a Take That towards the Parents Television Council. Tears of Joy. Whenever someone wins their first championship. Third-Person Person. The Rock says that The Rock hasnt been mentioned yet Tone Shift. The history of WWE is defined by its main eventers: Rock n Wrestling Era: In the late 80s, fans grew up watching Hulk Hogan telling us to eat your vitamins and say your prayers. They grew up watching a dead man wrestle. A guy with a red Mohawk who acted like a rooster. A guy from the G. I. Joe cartoons who then turned on America. A male supermodel. A man named after a boat. A barber. We can keep going. The new generation in the WWE isnt thought of as highly as others simply because they didnt have Hogan and Savage (and others like them), over-the-top larger-than-life personalities with the charisma to sell ice cubes to Eskimos. New Generation Era: The WWF was trying to transition from a live-action cartoon back to a wrestling company, and the fans were. not as receptive as the WWE had hoped. 93-96 was the eye of the hurricane so to speak, the calm between the storms: The WWF at the time was going through a turnover in talents after WCW had cleaned them out. They lost some of the gimmickry eventually and pulled off a more athletically-driven program prior to Attitude taking over, but in the early-to-mid 90s, there was a trashcan, a repo man, hog farmers, a Native American dude, Arachnaman, Max Moon, a dentist, a hockey player, and so on. They repackaged the company after the steroid trials, trying to clean up their act with guys like Bret Hart, Hennig, Flair, and Shawn Michaels. Attitude Era: 1997-2001. This era changed wrestling from being aimed at kids, to being aimed at teenagers. The landscape isnt the same today as it was then. Austin, HHH, Shawn, Foley, Taker etc. were veterans who toiled in the midcard for years. They were competitive. They were hungry to succeed. They had their pick of WWE, WCW and ECW. After the Montreal Screwjob (which created the evil Mr. McMahon character), and Austin defeating Shawn Micheals for the WWF title, thus igniting the Attitude Era. WWF changed from a warm amp fuzzy program to a much more controversial one revolving around the Austin character, who drank beer on TV, gave everyone the middle finger, and raised hell. DX and Goldust were making sex jokes, groping audience members and acting like total degenerates. Women were used as eye candy to appeal to male viewers. It was all about controversy and getting ratings. Smackdown debuted as a B-Show based on one of The Rocks edgier catchphrases. In some ways, the most embarrassing chapter in the companys history, and in others the most exciting (because its just so unpredictable). Ruthless Aggression Era: 2001-2008. Like the New Generation era, was a transitional period for WWE. With the demise of WCW and ECW, the company regressed back to its roots, though not entirely: Wrestling was still TV-14 at this time, allowing sexuality, swearing, blood, among other things. The RA era was an extension of the Attitude Era a mix of new talent and old talent, and a rebuilding time for WWE. An era that made many of its own historic moments, such as Raw having a Womens Main Event, having the Cruiserweight Title Match as a main event (when Matt Hardy took on Rey Mysterio) and, for the first time, TLC was featured as a singles match. Other highlights include the formation of the group Evolution that launched the careers of both Batista and Randy Orton, the return of HBK to wrestling from a 4 year hiatus, and the start of John Cenas career (in which he stumbled upon his rap gimmick that launched his popularity). PG Era: 2008-2016. Many claim that wrestling went PG because Linda McMahon was running for senate and she wanted a squeaky clean image, divorced from the past decade of debauchery and sophomoric humor (she lost both races in part due to her televised appearances during the Attitude Era). However, the shift back to a safer family-oriented show was out of necessity for the WWEs survival. Rampant drug and alcohol abuse, wrestler after wrestler being crippled by the dangerous stunts, wrestlers dying from drug abuse, governmental scrutiny (that means the FBI), and every talking head known to man out to crucify pro wrestling in general and the WWE in particular8212all of that meant big-money advertisers pulling out. It was quickly discovered that Cena appealed to women and children more than the diehard male 18-34 male demographic of wrestling fans thus WWE attracted a more mainstream audience, which meant more money. Other popularity-driven decisions included bookings of The Shield and experiments with new talent, including call ups from NXT. Indeed, the WWE has made a remarkable turnaround: Its seen (again) by the mainstream as family entertainment. Big-money advertisers are lining up, the government isnt hounding them anymore, the media has stopped digging around WWE trash cans looking for scandals, WWE performers (especially John Cena) are in high demand in other forms of entertainment and make frequent media appearances. For a while, the downgrade to PG ironically destroyed what little credibility and class the womens division had, as it was forbidden for women wrestlers to get beaten up, so they had catfights for the audiences amusement. The New Era: 2016-current. By the end of the PG Era, audiences, on-air talent, and even authority figures were occasionally letting it be known that the companys direction wasnt quite where it could be. A series of changes were instituted to adjust the companys business model. Women were once again billed as legitimate wrestling talents and not Divas, thanks largely to the efforts of the Four Horsewomen and Paige, who came up during the PG Era. Several high profile performers were called up from developmental, signed, or pulled away from top competing brands like NJPW and independent promotions, and, unusually, allowed to keep their same monikers, the prime example being AJ Styles. Shane McMahon returned as a Reasonable Authority Figure to balance out the rest of his family, resulting in Smackdown (now Smackdown LIVE ) and RAW once again being treated as competing A-shows. The Cruiserweight Classic tournament led to the resurrected division getting its own show, the UK Championship tournament and other efforts similarly signaled expansion, etc. All of the above was the first year of this New Era, and it remains to be seen where it goes from there. Took a Level in Badass : Jeff Hardy. full stop. When he and his brother Matt debuted in the company in the late 1990s, they lost every single one of their matches for a while. Ten years later, Jeff won the WWE Championship. Matt is a good example as well The Miz transformed over time from a clownish Dirty Coward to a legitimately threatening heel. When he became WWE Champion in November 2010, its a bit surprising that the entire universe didnt explode as a result . Stacy Keibler - After more than three years of mostly being used as eye candy, Stacy finally got a push of sorts in October of 2004 when she pinned Molly Holly to become Number One Contender to Trish Stratus s Womens Championship. Although she didnt win her one-on-one with Stratus, Keibler got a second opportunity soon afterward when she entered a seven-woman Battle Royal at Taboo Tuesday and made it two-thirds of the way through before getting eliminated by Holly. Candice Michelle - She will go down in history as the first Diva Search contestant (2004) to win the Womens Championship. She accomplished this in June 2007, when she pinned then-champion Melina at the first-ever Night Of Champions . She held the title for nearly four months, finally losing it to Beth Phoenix . Maria Kanellis - Another 2004 Diva Search contestant, she started out as a dim-witted backstage interviewer for comic relief on Monday Night Raw . She made occasional forays into the ring over the next few years, finally becoming more or less a full-time wrestler in 2008. Thats when she became the first Diva to pin Beth Phoenix since Phoenix had won the Womens Championship (though the match was non-title, and Kanellis needed some help from Candice Michelle to score the win). Kanellis and Phoenix met again at WrestleMania XXIV in a tag-team match that also included Ashley Massaro and Melina Perez, and Kanellis almost certainly would have pinned Phoenix clean if it hadnt been for interference by Santino Marella . Kelly Kelly - She joined the relaunched ECW on SyFy in June of 2006 as an exotic dancer (exhibitionist, to use her term) with practically no wrestling skills. After just over a year of training, she began to appear in the ring sporadically and then full-time after being drafted to Monday Night Raw in 2008. She appeared in back-to-back (2008 and 2009) Divas Elimination Matches at Survivor Series . eliminating two Divas between them. Finally, she won the Divas Championship from Brie Bella on June 20, 2011, after being voted Number One Contender by the fans. Trish Stratus - Seven time Womens Champion, who started out as a valet for TampA and eye candy for Vince McMahon, and who was initially so bad in the ring that she could botch a catfight . In fact, much like how WWE saw its tag team division more so as a Breakup Breakout factory than anything else over time ever since Shawn Michaels went from one of the Rockers to one of the greatest of all time, WWEs insistence on turning models into wrestlers is largely due to this trope working so well for Trish. John Cena went from a comic-relief white-boy rapper to possibly the biggest face in the federation. Key moments in the transition included marking his return from injury by lifting Rikishi above his head. and slapping Vince in the face. Trash The TitanTron : Happens each time when the WWE upgrades its TitanTron. For example, on an episode of Raw in 2007, Triple H throws his sledgehammer at the TitanTron to make way for the current TitanTron HD set used on Raw, SmackDown, ECW, and Superstars. The NXT rookies took this one pretty literally on the 6710 Raw, when they took out everyone at ringside (down to the bell-ringer and medical personnel) and gave a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to John Cena . Un-Person : Chris Benoit. though he is still mentioned in WWEs official title histories, match results, etc. as well as 2009s WWE Encyclopedia. It doesnt even mention that hes dead Vince McMahon tried to invoke this with CM Punk after he left the company after winning at the Money in the Bank PPV, and taking the WWE Championship with him. Off course this only lasted one or two weeks, as he came back after they had held a tournament to crown a new winner. Has unfortunately come true with his 2014 walkout. Unrelated Brothers : Long-time childhood friends Edge and Christian. Whose being kayfabe brothers in the past is no longer acknowledged. Kane and The Undertaker. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins was for a short while in WWE listed as the Major Brothers, before their name change. The Basham Brothers. Despite their similar appearance, Doug Basham (his real name) and Danny Basham (born Daniel Hollie) are not related, much less twins as Doug is six years older. Vinces 2000-inch Titantron, the obscenely expensive Jeritron 5000 Wham Episode. 41111. Edge retiring. June 7th 2010, The Nexus wrecks havoc on Raw. And a bunch of other memorable moments . Wild Card. Whoever is currently the commissioner of WWEGM of Raw . Gorilla Monsoon took over in 1995, followed by Roddy Piper, then Gorilla again. When Gorilla retired in 1997, the Presidency was officially replaced with the Commissioner position. Michaels, Foley, and Regal have each served as commish. Past GMs include Bischoff, Maddox. and Vickie. Sometimes the GM has unlimited power, sometimes none. Wild Samoan. The Wild Samoans, Umaga. Haku. Jimmy Snuka. and Rikishi. Averted by Yokozuna (who was Samoan but played a Japanese-style sumo wrestler), Manu, Rosey, The Usos. Tamina. and Roman Reigns. Oh, and The Rock. There were also The Headshrinkers and The Islanders (though Haku was a Tongan). Worlds Strongest Man. Nickname used by several wrestlers including Mark Henry. Ted Arcidi, Ken Patera. and Dino Bravo. Wrestling Doesnt Pay. Especially egregious in the late 80s and early 90s. Later examples include Simon Dean. The Boogeyman, and Fandango . Wrestling Monster. Vader. The Undertaker, Papa Shango, Kane, Bill Goldberg, The Boogeyman, Kharma. Yes-Man. The general attitude of Vince McMahon to some people is that he refuses to take no for an answer. Pretty much a job description for anybody on the writing team not related to the McMahons, according to virtually everyone. You Keep Using That Word. Strangely, WWE in 2014 started picking an episode of Raw and SmackDown sometime in mid-August note The start of the traditional American television season. and billing them as the season premiere, despite that fact that both shows run year round, meaning theres never really a new season to premiere any more than there is for the also-year-round morning news. Its also strange considering WWE somewhat operates on a WrestleMania to WrestleMania schedule, when story-lines culminate on camera (with loose ends often being tied up at the next PPV), and there seems to be some house cleaning (read: lower-card firings) and starting fresh behind the scenes as well, meaning that if WWE really wanted to do a true season premiere, it should actually be sometime in April. Alternative Title(s): WWF. World Wrestling Entertainment. World Wrestling Federation

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